Do You Feel Lost or Puzzled When it Comes to Your Finances?
Our Debt Dependancy Quiz Helps Determine the Best Option For You in Regards to Your Current Financial Situation!
Simply Select the Answer Which Applies to You the Most to Get Your Results!
Considering properties, RRSPs, and other investments, select the answer you agree with most:
Better to Arrive Late Than to Never Arrive at all
Select the answer you agree with most:
Do you currently use one credit card to pay the minimum amount due on another card?
This act is known as balance transferring, Select yes or no if you currently partake in this.
Which Is Greater?
Select the answer you believe to be true (if you’re not sure, take your best guess!):
Tell us about your Work life.
Select the answer you agree with most:
Debt Solution Test
Speak to a Credit Counsellor
Your answers suggest that you might need to take extra care to avoid problems with your borrowing - you may potentially already find it difficult to repay what you owe.
Studies show that individuals who do not take immediate action on their debt/borrowing situation experience more significant financial troubles as time goes on.
However if this is the case, right now is the PERFECT opportunity to arrive at a solution!
At Xdebts our experts work with you in:
avoiding bankruptcy
reducing your debt by up to 80%,
Preventing Collection Calls
Stop Interest Payments
CRA Debt & More
If you are serious about freeing your debt and want to finally take action we recommend you call one of our experts for a 100% free consultation call at 647-707-1494 or fill out the form below.
Financially Self-Sufficient
Your answers suggest your financial situation appears to be in a healthy position and you deserve to give yourself more credit!
It's always a good idea to review your borrowing from time to time and to think carefully before you take out any new loans. Even if you're coping ok at the moment, there is always a possibility you could run into financial difficulties if your circumstances change or interest rates rise.
We can help by adjusting your budget and looking at different debt relief options that can lower the interest on your debt and save you money.
In addition, if you would like a useful tool that helps monitor and track your financial situation, feel free to download our free budget planner by clicking on the button below!
Ready for a new beginning in your financial journey?
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